17Feb 2014
First Time Buyers and First Time Movers: Handy Hints
First Time Buyers and First Time Movers: Handy Hints
Buying a house for the first time mostly feels like you have climbed to the top of a very high mountain and after many struggles and the odd fall you have finally made it. It’s an amazing feeling and one which leaves you feeling overjoyed and very excited to be moving into a property of your own. However, after you’ve finally left behind all the stresses of the buying process now you’ve got to take on the moving process! It can feel incredibly difficult especially when you’re doing it for the first time. However, it can be done in an easy and stress-free way in a few simple steps. Plan, Plan and Plan AgainYou are probably sick to death of people telling you to get organised but unfortunately it really is an essential part of the moving process. Making lists of everything you need to pack, everything you need to get rid of, everyone you need to hire and all the things you need to buy in order to make it all happen will give you something to refer to and will make you feel much calmer and able to deal with everything without mover’s panic setting in. Hiring the Right Removal CompanyThis is an absolutely vital part of moving house and especially when it’s your first time it can feel like a particularly daunting task because there are just so many companies out there all reporting to do the same things and all for different prices. It can feel impossible to know which one to pick to get the best service. One of the best things you can do it speak to the companies personally, get a feel for their attitude towards customer service and their general manner and experience. Once you’ve narrowed it down in this way, it’s a good idea to find out about the reputation of the company. If it’s possible then ask friends and families who have moved about their experiences or if not then check online, there should be plenty of reviews about different companies so you know that you’re getting a quality service. The right company should be friendly, highly competent and have plenty of experience in offering packing and storage solutions as well as simply moving your belongings. PackingPacking is one of those seemingly endless tasks but with the right equipment and planning it can all go quite painlessly. It is essential to get the right things to pack with which includes boxes, bubble wrap, packing peanuts and labels. This will ensure not only that all of your belongings are packed securely and will arrive safely at your new property but also that when they do arrive you will be able to identify what they are and get your unpacking done as efficiently as you did your packing! Storage SolutionsIt is more than likely that you will require storage for part of your move and this is another thing which seems to have too many options, all at slightly differing prices. There are things you should decide before you start your research about storage such as how much space you’ll need, the location you’d like and why that would be the most convenient, and how much you’re able to pay. Chances are there are several companies offering added extras so it would be worth deciding what extras you actually need, if any and to check that you’re not paying for anything that you don’t want what way you won’t waste any money at this very expensive time!

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